Our Projects

Currently running projects

Klubb Uppsala Musik

Makandire Muzani Music in collaboration with Sensus Uppsala, Gottsunda Kulturhus- Kulturpunkten and Kulturnämnden – Uppsala kommun started a project called Klubb Uppsala Musik in 2021 at the height of the Covid 19 pandemic. Through the project, Klubb Uppsala Musik offers upcoming musicians, bands and other artists of all genres, in Uppsala, an opportunity to perform while being live streamed/digital video on various social media platforms. The project offers aspiring performers the chance to gain stage experience while entertaining the audience in the convenience of their homes.

The goal is to establish Klubb Uppsala Musik, as a live music club for all genres.

So far, more than 10 upcoming bands have performed. The project is still ongoing and all upcoming musicians interested in this opportunity are invited to express their interest.

Get intouch with us if you are interested in participating or performing in Uppsala. We are looking forward to hearing from you!

Contact: info@manluckerz.org.